Programs -> Windows Live Messenger

Windows Live Messenger 2012 (16.4)


Program Info:

Name: Windows Live Messenger
Version: 2012 (16.4)
Author: Microsoft
Lisence: Freeware
OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista
Updated: Sep-30-2012
Homepage: Windows Live
Windows Live Messenger is a messaging client.

In addition to basic text based messages it supports smileys, animated "creatures", voice -chatting, web-cameras, video calls, group chatting and sending and receiving files with other Messenger users.
It is also possible to configure the apparance of Messenger with custom colors and background images.

Download from program's website:

Download the Software

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By: Miika HämäläinenLast update: Nov-07-2014 14:18MiikaHweb | 2003-2021