Blender Git Statistics -> Developers -> troopy28
Maxime Casas (troopy28)
Total Commits : 7
Master Commits : 4
Branch Commits : 3
First Commit : November 30, 2020
Latest Commit : September 9, 2021
Commits by Month
Date | Number of Commits | |
September, 2021 | 1 | |
August, 2021 | 0 | |
July, 2021 | 0 | |
June, 2021 | 5 | |
May, 2021 | 0 | |
April, 2021 | 0 | |
March, 2021 | 0 | |
February, 2021 | 0 | |
January, 2021 | 0 | |
December, 2020 | 0 | |
November, 2020 | 1 |
Commit Distribution
Path | Number of Commits |
master | 4 |
soc-2021-curves | 1 |
override-recursive-resync | 1 |
temp-pose-flipping-fix-attempt | 1 |
asset-browser-poselib | 1 |
asset-browser | 1 |
Favourite Files
Filename | Total Edits |
anim_channels_edit.c | 4 |
graph_select.c | 2 |
MOD_meshcache.c | 1 |
rna_modifier.c | 1 |
DNA_modifier_types.h | 1 |
File Changes
Action | Total | Per Commit |
Modified | 9 | 1.3 |
Code Changes
Action | Total | Per Commit |
Lines Added | 389 | 55.6 |
Lines Removed | 108 | 15.4 |
Latest commits 
September 9, 2021, 04:05 (GMT) |
Modifier: add support for vertex groups Allow blending the imported cache with the modifiers stack above the MeshCache modifier. This is particularly useful for instance when dealing with cloth simulations performed in another software, where some parts of the cloth are completely pinned (non-simulated, following the armature). Indeed, this would allow modifying the animation in some areas without having to rebake the other parts or the cloth, resulting in a much more flexible workflow. Reviewed By: #modeling, campbellbarton, mont29 Ref D9898 |
Revision e4d07c9 by Maxime Casas / Dilith Jayakody (soc-2021-curves) June 21, 2021, 14:31 (GMT) |
Fix T89033: segfault reordering animation channels Fix segmentation fault that can occur when reordering animation channels. Under some specific conditions, the list "act->curves" is empty in the "join_groups_action_temp" function. In particular, this happens when a scene contains an action that has not been pushed down, and with no keyframe in it. Reviewed By: sybren Differential Revision: |
Revision 0cf1e57 by Maxime Casas / Bastien Montagne (override-recursive-resync) June 14, 2021, 14:34 (GMT) |
Fix T89033: segfault reordering animation channels Fix segmentation fault that can occur when reordering animation channels. Under some specific conditions, the list "act->curves" is empty in the "join_groups_action_temp" function. In particular, this happens when a scene contains an action that has not been pushed down, and with no keyframe in it. Reviewed By: sybren Differential Revision: |
Revision e1dd8d7 by Maxime Casas / Sybren A. Stüvel (asset-browser, asset-browser-poselib, temp-pose-flipping-fix-attempt) June 11, 2021, 14:31 (GMT) |
Fix T89033: segfault reordering animation channels Fix segmentation fault that can occur when reordering animation channels. Under some specific conditions, the list "act->curves" is empty in the "join_groups_action_temp" function. In particular, this happens when a scene contains an action that has not been pushed down, and with no keyframe in it. Reviewed By: sybren Differential Revision: |
June 11, 2021, 14:27 (GMT) |
Fix T89033: segfault reordering animation channels Fix segmentation fault that can occur when reordering animation channels. Under some specific conditions, the list "act->curves" is empty in the "join_groups_action_temp" function. In particular, this happens when a scene contains an action that has not been pushed down, and with no keyframe in it. Reviewed By: sybren Differential Revision: |
June 8, 2021, 13:45 (GMT) |
Animation: Allow selection of FCurve + its keys Selection of an FCurve with box/circle select now selects the entire curve and all its keys: - Box selecting a curve selects all the keyframes of the curve. - Ctrl + box selecting of the curve deselects all the keyframes of the curve. - Shift + box selecting of the curve extends the keyframe selection, adding all the keyframes of the curves that were just selected to the selection. - In all cases, if the selection area contains a key, nothing is performed on the curves themselves (the action only impacts the selected keys). Reviewed By: sybren, #animation_rigging Differential Revision: |
November 30, 2020, 16:14 (GMT) |
Cleanup: Graph Editor, refactor selection operators Extract initialisation code of box selection into separate functions. No functional changes. Reviewed By: zeddb, sybren Differential Revision: |
MiikaHweb - Blender Git Statistics v1.06