Blender Git Loki

Blender Git "temp-blender-2.81-release-with-wrong-merge" branch commits.

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November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Alembic: improved import/export of mesh normals

This commit implements the change in behaviour described in T71246.
In short:

For export, per mesh:
- Custom loop normals are defined ? loop normals are exported.
- One or more polys are marked flat ? loop normals are exported.
- Otherwise, no normals are exported.

For import, when the Alembic mesh contains:
- loop normals (kFacevaryingScope) ? use as custom loop normals, and
enble Auto Smooth to have Blender actually use them.
- vertex normals (kVertexScope or kVaryingScope) ? convert to loop
normals, and handle as above.
- no normals ? mark mesh as smooth.
- unsupported normal types (kConstantScope, kUniformScope,
kUnknownScope) ? handle as 'no normals'.

This also fixes T71130: Alembic split normal export issue

Previously the mesh flag `ME_AUTOSMOOTH` was used in conjunction with
the poly flag `ME_SMOOTH` to determine whether loop normals or vertex
normals were exported. This behaviour was hard to predict for artists,
and hard to describe in the manual. Instead, Blender now only exports
loop normals, computing them if necessary. This way, the mesh in Alembic
should always have the same loop normals as in Blender.

Maniphest Tasks: T71130

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Mathutils: expose the utility to find the closest point of a triangle.

This computation is complex and useful enough to expose the existing
C math utility used by BVH nearest to Python. Otherwise this requires
the use of intersect_point_tri and multiple intersect_point_line calls
with some added vector math.

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Fix T71250: ID user decrement error with ID properties in ViewLayer

Credit for the original patch goes to @scorpion81.
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Correct naming of cryptomatte output sockets on the render layers node

The cryptomatte sockets were incorrectly numbered using a step size of two. While the increment by two is necessary to get the correct number of render passes, they should be numbered consecutively matching the socket names of the cryptomatte node.

Reviewed By: lukasstockner97

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
UI: Rewrite stacked full-screen logic, fixing issues

To recreate the main issue:
* Set render and file browser to show in full-screen in the preferences
* Default scene, press F12 in 3D View
* Press Alt+S to save the image
* Escape the file browser
* Escape the image editor
The former 3D View would now show the image editor. This is a common
use-case that should work.

Full-screen code is a hassle to get to work as expected. There are
reports from 2.5, I did lots of work years ago to get these kind of
use-cases to work fine. But apparently I broke this one with a fix for
another common use-case in March (0a28bb14222c).
This now stores hints in the space, rather than the area, which should
make things much more controlable and hopefully help us fix issues like
Here are a few references describing further common issues (all should
work fine now): 0a28bb14222c, e61588c5a544, T19296

Checked over this with Bastien, we agreed that at some point we should
do a big rewrite of all of this, for now this is acceptable.
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Masking: Cleanup, naming of mask layer
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Masking: Cleanup, indentation level
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Nasking: Toggle cyclic on Ctrl-Click on initial vertex

This change replaces old behavior when spline was toggled as cyclic
on double-click.

Doing so was tricky on a tablet and is rather non-intuitive in general.

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Solidify Modifier: support non-manifold input

This adds a new mode to solidify to support non-manifold geometry
with edges using 3 or more faces as input, resulting in a manifold mesh.

Since the differences between these methods don't translate well
into short terms, they're named "Simple" and "Complex" in the UI.

This also adds clamp with respect to angles
to the existing solidify modifier calculation.
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Masking: Cleanup, limit variable scope
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
VSE: add a Set frame range to Strips operator

Add operator that sets the frame range, with an option to choose the regular or the preview one, around the selected strips.

Reviewed By: ISS

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
UI: Fix preview frame range drawing in sequencer and driver editors

Draw preview range overlay in the video sequencer in the same way as in the other animation editors
Add color control in the theme.
Prevent overlay to be drawn in the driver editor.

Reviewed By: ISS

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Windows: Replace deprecated SHGetFolderPathW

No functional change.

Differential Revision:
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Fix python error when trying to delete presets

In some cases the default data paths for blender does not exist.
For example on windows when using the portable install.

This would lead to errors when trying to lookup default paths in
is_path_builtin. Now we handle cases like this gracefully.
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
UI: Disk to Disc Spelling Change

Identifiers for icons representing optical drives should use 'disc', not 'disk'.

Differential Revision:

Reviewed by Julian Eisel
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Sequencer: use all selected strips for select side operator

D6127 by @a.monti with edits.
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
make.bat: Warn user about missing svn.exe
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Cleanup: correct logical error in last commit

Worked because: -INT_MIN == INT_MIN
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
UI: Only show render result in image editors in view mode

Previously, with the render display mode set to "Image Editor", we'd use
any image editor that doesn't already show a (non-render-result) image,
even if they weren't set to view mode (but UV, paint or mask mode).
It could be confusing or annoying when using an Image Editor for a
purpose that the mode wasn't created for.
Note that with the introduction of a UV sub-Editor, the old behavor was
even more confusing. Changing a UV Editor to show the render result was
November 11, 2019, 17:05 (GMT)
Transform: Add option to exclude back facing geometry from snapping

Add new `Backface Culling` option to the snapping properties.
This option has nothing to do with the view3d display or the
workbench `Backface Culling` option.

- In edit mode, this option only affects snap to faces.

Maniphest Tasks: T71217

Differential Revision:
Tehnyt: Miika HämäläinenViimeksi päivitetty: 07.11.2014 14:18MiikaH:n Sivut a.k.a. MiikaHweb | 2003-2021